Now where did I put those release notes?

Jason jmtaylor90 at
Thu Sep 25 03:17:26 UTC 2008

Release time is nearly here again...Guess what that means? New release
notes!! But alas, we are currently faced with a couple of issues.

1. Beat Relevancy. Are there any topics/beats that we no longer need to
cover? Current Beats[1]

2. Missing Beats. Are there topics/beats we should be covering?

Also, as an FYI, we are planning on compiling an orphaned beats list and
then find owners for their content. The folks over at the
fedora-devel-list will likely be contacted first. If you see a beat you
are interested in that doesn't list an owner[2] let us know by replying
to this email or dropping by in #fedora-docs.

For those that have beats assigned to them[2] please take this time to
make sure the content is up-to-date. If questions arise feel free to
corner someone and ask. Wordsmiths will comb the beats in the near
future to do their thing, at this point we are looking for the technical
content. (If you wordsmith it too quaid promised random gifts! j/k)



Thanks everyone for the effort and work so far, it has been an
interesting release to say the least...

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