Building guides

John J. McDonough wb8rcr at
Mon Apr 12 21:29:40 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 21:58 +0100, Nathan Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> I now have the readme-live-image guide building using jjmcd's script
> (, kindly
> hosted by Paul. However, the script builds the html in my own
> fedorapeople space rather than the space provided for draft docs
> (/srv/groups/docs). I followed the instructions given just before
> jjmcd's script, which created a link from my fedorapeople directory to
> the readme-live-image directory on /srv/groups/docs, but I'm not sure
> how to get the html built by the script to go there. It would be
> simple enough to create a symlink

That is exactly what you want to do.  You can scp into your own space
easily enough, just create a symlink in your space
to /srv/groups/docs/guide-name (you will need to create the directory in
the first place to symlink to it.)


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