Fedora 14 Schedule

Zach Oglesby oglesbyzm at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 08:02:48 UTC 2010

> I am going through the schedule, trying to sort out the issues.  And, as
> in previous releases, there are fewer issues than the release before.
> The challenge is that most of the issues are non-obvious.  Even when you
> are pretty intimate with the process, it is hard to catch the
> disconnects.  I thought if a few more folks would get their eyes on it
> we would miss fewer things.

During the Fedora 12 release I remember having a confrence call about
the schedule because we were trying to fix some issues. This process
was very benificial to me, being able to talk about what needed done
when rather then just looking at a list was a great help. Maybe this
is something that we could look into doing again. It may not be for
the same reasons as last time, but the more communication we have the

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