Membership requests to Docs FAS Group

Misha Shnurapet shnurapet at
Wed Oct 27 09:11:38 UTC 2010

27.10.2010, 15:52, "Zach Oglesby" <oglesbyzm at>:
> I am unsure of what your intent is. Do you want to make the
> requirements for joining Docs more strict? My personel fear with that
> is that the harder we make it to join the less people will want to
> become involved. If I misunderstood you I apologize, but if I was
> completely wrong in my understanding of your post at least I know see
> the need to pay some attention to the wiki page for new contributor
> tasks[3].

Hello, Zach.

I think that keeping things away from being (almost) instantly accessible makes sure fresh contributors are sane. I wouldn't like someone to go rowdy-dowdy over the documents that my team members have spent their time and efforts on. Translation is a rich ground for argument anyway.

Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
shnurapet AT, GPG: 00217306

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