[Help files] - Should help be local or internet based?

John J. McDonough wb8rcr at arrl.net
Thu Mar 3 12:41:30 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 16:18 +1300, Jose Mathew Manimala wrote:
> Hello docs team,
>                              Need some help/advice. I am working with
> FES[1] on getting a desktop entry file that points firefox to the domain
> http://help.fedoraproject.org/ and acts as the first point of contact
> for the user to search for help channels used by fedora. Would it be
> better to have an offline version of the website as the first stage(an
> html doc) and then for more goto http://help.fedoraproject.org/. Is this
> redundant or would just a desktop entry file to
> http://help.fedoraproject.org/ suffice?

The "redundant" website does give you a slightly more controlled way to
handle languages.  Remember, the .desktop file allows you to
internationalize the text on the menu itself, but always points to the
same application.  So when you are pointing to a "document", the link
needs to somehow direct the browser to the correct language, as well.

In Release Notes, for example, we have a small redirect page whose only
purpose in life is to select the language.  Take a peek at


(with a text editor, not a browser).

Also, don't forget there are around a dozen browsers in the repo and
they don't all behave exactly like firefox. Usually there aren't huge
issues but it does make testing a little annoying.


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