Open Help Conference

Shaun McCance shaunm at
Thu Mar 10 15:40:24 UTC 2011

Hi folks,

This has been mentioned a few times on IRC, but I don't think
it's been talked about on the mailing list.

I'm organizing the Open Help Conference this June. This is a
gathering of documentation and support people from open source
and other community-based projects.

I would love to have some Fedora people at the conference to
share your experiences. You all have a vibrant documentation
community, and I think we could all learn from that. At the
same time, there will be documentation people there from
various projects that get packaged in Fedora, and you can
get a better sense of what they're doing.

I also want to mention that there are still rooms available
for team sprints after the conference. So if multiple Fedora
people would like to take advantage of the conference to get
some face-to-face collaboration, we can make that happen.

And of course, if you know people from other projects that
might be interested, I'd appreciate it if you passed the
word. I know how things work in Gnome. I want to see how
the rest of the free world helps their users.


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