[Bug 752059] MajorMod: Manually Upgrading the Kernel: Update for GRUB 2

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Wed Apr 25 02:08:56 UTC 2012

On Apr 24, 2012, at 7:47 PM, Christopher R. Antila wrote:
> I don't know this for sure, but I somehow remember that we aren't
> supposed to update published Guides unless there's a danger of
> somebody damaging their system. As you note, in this case there is.

I'm envisioning a low complexity, and hence low liability replacement.

Given the possibility published Guides may not be updatable, and in interest of avoiding this bug's persistence in F17 documentation, I think Eric's suggestion to remove the old information is a good idea. 

What is a realistic cutoff date for a.) removal of the sub-section in question; b) incorporating a revision of it?


Best I can tell it's probably before 5/7.

Chris Murphy

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