Release notes have a launcher - maybe we should remove that

Ben Cotton bcotton at
Tue Sep 9 12:32:58 UTC 2014

On Sep 8, 2014 11:11 PM, "John J. McDonough" <wb8rcr at> wrote:

> Maybe people *SHOULD* read the release notes first, but that isn't
> reality.
I suspect there are two general classes of Release Notes consumers here.
The first is as Leslie described, who use the RN to plan upgrades. That
audience isn't likely to install on Release Day anyway, even if the EN were
available early. The second is the adventurous (probably single-install or
with just a few machines) user who upgrades and then says "okay, what cool
stuff comes with this?"

At work, I'm in the first group. At home, I'm in the second. I can't say in
either scenario that I'm particularly harmed by the RN being available on
the installation media or by the presence of a launcher.

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