The State of Publishing Documentation in Fedora

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Fri Feb 13 20:01:33 UTC 2015

On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 07:53:12 -0700
Pete Travis <me at> wrote:

...snip a bunch of stuff I agree with... 

> The working theory at this point is to use a continuous integration
> system like Jenkins to automate builds.  I've had a Jenkins instance
> running locally this week, with new builds triggered via fedmsg
> signals generated by our commits.  This part works smoothly, with the
> exception of a fedwatch bug that I've crudely worked around, but
> triggers using python-fedmsg really wouldn't be too difficult.  The
> infra folks are also working on a Jenkins setup, so there's potential
> to share experience and buildslaves.  Turning that into a browseable
> frontend is more immediately viable than you might think;
> is designed just for that
> and can be customized for our needs.  Jenkins plugins to cycle strings
> from Zanata, or some other method, could come down the road.  There's
> room for other enhancements, too.

So, I have pretty big concerns with using jenkins for anything release
critical (like docs). 

Infrastructure has been running one in our cloud for a while now:
(Note the disclaimer there). 

It works ok most of the time, but it's not packaged up nicely, and it
pretty much always breaks on any upgrade of plugins or the core setup.
Then you have to dig into java and try and figure out whats going on or
where they moved the functionality you were depending on. ;( 

jenkins is now packaged in Fedora, which is great... but likely will
never been in epel/rhel (things are just too old for it). 

So, I guess we could look at setting up a fedora using the packaged
jenkins and see how much pain it is to upkeep...

I don't suppose buildbot or taskotron would be options?

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