[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] Fedora-electronic-lab-list

Aniruddha aniruddhabnj at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 04:02:07 UTC 2008

Dear All;
I had installed FEL in my hard drive and was able to do things till 6th
December Sunday. After I took the updates on 6th morning I am not being able
to mount the other partitions in my computer, neither from dolphin or from
terminal mount process. The other drives are formatted in NTFS and was able
to see and work on them before.
If I open the drives forcefully from laching files option under multimedia I
can open the drives in dolphin but my sound card is not responding.
Please help . I didn't take yesterdays update.
As I am new in linux I would prefer a step by step discussion of the
process, of hoe can I do it.
Thanks in advance.

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