[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] Roadmap of FEL - Discussion

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 11:34:16 UTC 2008

On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Aanjhan R wrote:
> Heya folks!!
> As a result we
> would like to meet up in #fedora-electronic tonight at 2100 hrs CEST
> for a brief discussion.


Actually, we already have a meeting room: #fedora-meeting and it is
free during our time slots.

Several Fedora projects and groups use the #fedora-meeting channel on
IRC for their regular meetings.

I prefer we do like other sub-fedora-projects do, use the
#fedora-meeting channel for meetings.

Kind regards,

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