[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] Re: FEL Contributor

Aanjhan R aanjhan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 11:17:03 UTC 2008

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Chitlesh GOORAH
<chitlesh at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Mirlan, welcome to the team.
> As you have most probably heard of FEL (Fedora Electronic Lab).
> http://chitlesh.fedorapeople.org/FEL

Hi Mirlan, Welcome!

Folks, this reminds me the undiscussed point in yesterday's meeting.
"Quick To Do stuff for potential contributors". It would be nice if we
can get a wiki page going wrt "To Do" stuff so that incoming people
can have a look and right away start contributing.


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