[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] Now focussing on FEL 11

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 19:38:53 UTC 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Shakthi Kannan < email_hidden > wrote:
> I would like to come up with training materials for the various
> software that can be used to get students/interested folks into
> working with you guys, as well, as try to use it as a means for their
> regular course/lab work. Maybe it exists already?
> We can take one package at a time from concepts, to simple examples,
> to training.
> Let me know,


I flew over your page: http://shakthimaan.com/downloads.html
You already have some interesting materials to start with :) A careful
packaging of those and that of other opensource projects could be a
good start.

I welcome this initiative, but I think _here_, we have to clarify on
"training" and "documentation".

Our tasks as packagers/maintainers of FEL are like a CAD/EDA engineer.
Providing enough _documentation_ about how those tools are used is
also part of the job of any CAD engineer.

But as for _training_, this demands enough technical skills. However I
believe this will be a very good example how to make money with
opensource software :)

Or else better, Fedora Ambassadors(like us) trains students on how to
use those tools (like a crash course) to fund Fedora events around the
country hahaha.

By the way, Shakti, you have done good presentations in the past. Have
you thought about becoming a fedora ambassador ? If yes, I can help
you become one _Very_ soon :)


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