[Fedora-electronic-lab] Re: [Fedora Electronic Lab] #15: FEL with source + build packages

Fedora Electronic Lab trac at fedorahosted.org
Tue Apr 14 09:57:43 UTC 2009

#15: FEL with source + build packages
  Reporter:  shakthimaan  |       Owner:  chitlesh            
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                 
  Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  Fedora 11 'Leonidas'
 Component:  FEL          |     Version:  devel               
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  Source              
Comment (by shakthimaan):

 | Inclusion of Source packages will also mean to include all the -devel
 dependencies used to
 | build each SRPM. This might be 2/3 times the size of the current

 Is it possible to get a rough estimate on what this size is?

 | FEL is already a standalone solution for electronics. To design
 electronics there is no need
 | for source code.

 If we want to get more developers for EDA tools and/or packaging for
 Fedora/FEL, they will require the source. And using FEL as a one-stop
 market solution in this process will only facilitate the same.

 | But the source code is available for anyone to download if he/she wants
 | yumdownloader --source pcb

 This is where the slow dial-up is a hindrance, and is _not_ an option.

 | And, to my knowledge, anaconda does not support the inclusion of the
 SRPMs in the livecd.

 Is it possible to make another DVD or two, so whoever is interested in
 development, packaging for FEL, can be given the source RPMS for building
 with their existing install setup?

 | I see no reason why the source code and build packages should be
 entailed into the livedvd, in | order to make FEL useful for education,

 For learning to use the source of the tools, to study it, develop with it
 and maintain the same for FEL.

 | The reason why FEL exists is because of the lack of packaged opensource
 EDA tools in the
 | community. Thus it is meant to shield the user from building the eda
 tools for scratch and
 | jump straight to the electronic design and simulation.

 I am focusing on getting more developers and packagers, after people start
 using them.

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-electronic-lab/ticket/15#comment:2>
Fedora Electronic Lab <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-electronic-lab>
Design, Simulate and Program electronics.

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