[Fedora-electronic-lab] FEL: GreenSoCs and XMOS Semiconductor want to collaborate

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh.goorah at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 16:44:00 UTC 2009

Hello there,

This email is meant as a feedback of what is going about FEL and two
companies who want to collaborate with us on the gcc compiler, eclipse
and debugging level.

This is very encouraging (from FEL's point of view) to have these 2 companies :
* GreenSoCs
* XMOS Semiconductor
(who are currently making headlines about their software) interested in Fedora.

I have been exchanging phone calls with these 2 companies since July
and both are eager to find their respective tools into Fedora
repositories and eventually EPEL.

So the current status is:
* for GreenSoCs : tune their sources so that it supports yum instead
of apt and at the same time that their framework be as independent of
systemC as possible
* for XMOS Semiconductor: they have not yet opensource their tools.
however they are already engaged into internal corporate talks about
how to opensource their toolchain.

For the sake of simplicity, I will not describe all the details here,
however I'll be glad to detail them on FEL's mailing list if you are

I'm hoping if some of you might be interested to give a hand in these
processes. Currently, I can not sustain myself financially so the
inclusion of this tools might take some time till they are prepared
for package review.

Kind regards,

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