[Fedora-electronic-lab] FEL website clarification

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 17:40:36 UTC 2009


I have modified CSS from:

so it could be used for FEL Trac. The major change is the size of the
text font. If you would like to try it, please do the following:

1. Install dependencies:

  # yum install trac mod_python

2. Get the sample sources:

  $ wget http://shakthimaan.fedorapeople.org/SOURCES/trac-december-15-2009.tar.bz2
  $ tar xjvf trac-december-15-2009.tar.bz2

This will extract to a trac/ folder.

3. Run the server:

  $ tracd --port 8000 /path/to/trac

You can now check the browser at http://localhost:8000 to see how the
UI looks. Please feel free to make any CSS changes. The main CSS file
is in trac/htdocs/fedora.css. Or, if we want to give this task to the
Fedora Design Team, we can do so too.

Here is a screenshot of how it looks:


Shakthi Kannan

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