[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] Re: [Fedora Electronic Lab] #3: Hi please provide direct download(not using torrent)

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jan 27 22:13:30 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:39 PM, himanshu lad wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks .
> How can I contribute to  FOSS (I suppose it means Free and Open Source
> Software).I am Electronics student with good c/c++ skills, and signal
> processing(DSP) knowledge.


Try to use you real name :)

I'm CC: the Fedora Eletronic Lab mailing list and I'm inviting you to
join this mailing list and use it to discuss opensource EDA tools.


Actually about DSP, I have bookmarked this url since a few months now


I would like to include it into fedora if its license allows. Can you
spare some time review this DSP Compiler from TI ? I would like to
know how it can be used and what is currently missing in fedora to
maximise user experience to use this compiler.

DSP design tools are something we lack in FEL, it would be nice to
have someone to improve this unfortunate situation :).

Kind regards,

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