[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] heads up : toped and Nvidia graphic card

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Tue Mar 3 13:25:43 UTC 2009

Hello there,

Some testing is being carried out for F11.

There are 2 opensource drivers for Nvidia graphics card:
- nv
- nouveau.

Fedora 11 will have "nouveau " driver by default. Thereby if you are
planning to do an _yum update_ from F10 to F11, be sure to change your
xorg.conf accordingly.

The graphical interface system-config-display will help you set up the
xorg.conf in less than 10 seconds.

With nv driver, you will find toped's message:
"""Toped can't obtain required GLX Visual. Check your video
driver/setup please"""

If you will use the "nouveau" driver, you will not experience such
error message and use toped normally.

kind regards,

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