[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] Re: [systemc-forum] LEGAL:Distributing SystemC

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 19:46:37 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Alireza Haghdoost  wrote:
> Dear Chitlesh
> I think that about 2-3 month passed from your mail about SyctemC
> license problem. I am really interested to know if you success to
> satisfy SystemC.org members to modify SystemC license, please keep me
> update about your valuable effort for systemC integration.


We didn't have positive feedbacks.
All I can do is release a SRPM of SystemC without the source.
In that SRPM, you will find the patches and the preparation which
would be done if SystemC would be included into Fedora.

I'll write a tutorial soon how to use it.

I am inviting you to join Fedora Electronic Lab mailing list where I
will do the announcement when I have the SRPM ready.

Kind regards,

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