[Fedora-electronic-lab-list] [RFC] Introducing FEL to prospective students

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 05:16:40 UTC 2009

Hi Chitlesh,

--- On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:12 AM, Chitlesh GOORAH
<chitlesh at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
| This is great news :) May I know when will you conduct that presentation ?

1. I'll update them here?

One workshop is confirmed at Government Engineering College, Barton
Hill, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on Saturday, March 21, 2009.

2. I have a copy of Fedora-10-Livedvd-FEL. I can make copies of the
same and distribute. What is the policy on re-printing and using the
FEL CD/DVD cover? Printed label helps in *branding* :)

3. I will require a list of TODO activities for FEL, and then we can
work out a process to guide interested enthusiasts.

| As for which tool to demo? I would rather say all of them (thinking of
| our upstream developers :) )


| I hope I
| could finish the TechReport paper in time for you.

Great! That will be helpful. I joined the Fedora Ambassador project as
well, since you had asked me about it earlier.



Shakthi Kannan

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