[fedora-electronic-lab] What if I want to maintain ALL my packages on EPEL as from now on ?

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh.goorah at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 09:21:39 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 5:34 AM, Shakthi Kannan <> wrote:
> Hi Chitlesh,
> Can I help in anyway by co-maintaining some Fedora packages, so it can
> reduce your work-load a bit. While you can concentrate on the EPEL
> releases, I can assist in co-maintaining the Fedora packages?
> Please let me know,

When I build for EPEL, I'll also build for rawhide directly. Then you can
* troubleshoot if there are any issues in the build
* port the rawhide build to the existing supporting fedora branches

is that ok for you ? I believe it would be fair, don't you think ?
Hence, if for some reason I break something in rawhide, I would not
break your stable fedora branches.

I would maintain EL-5, EL-6 and rawhide.
You would maintain Fedora_Latest, Fedora_Latest-1 and rawhide.

Also Shakthi, what if we rename "Fedora Electronic Lab" into "Free
Electronic Lab" thus keeping the "FEL" abbreviation ?


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