[fedora-electronic-lab] piklab

Les hlhowell at pacbell.net
Thu Mar 25 18:30:54 UTC 2010

Hi, everyone,
	I have PikLab loaded, and the latest subversion as of a week ago.  
	I have also loaded Kdevelop.

	What started me down this path is the issue where piklab can find the
gpasm, gpsim and gputils executables, but responds with the message
"gp***" not recognized in the configure toolchains dialog.  If you click
the search button, it brings up a message box which shows:

Command for executable detection:
gpasm -v
Version string:

gpasm-0.13.7 beta

	My guess is that the word beta on the end of the version string is
confusing the comparison used in the program.  Alain has tried to make a
fix on this but was unsuccessful.

	So, I obtained the subversion copy, loaded Kdevelop and attempted to
open the project.  The project was not populated.  My various attempts
to populate the project with the files have all failed.

	I am unaccustomed to programs of this structure.  I have used C and C++
before, and while not a power user in terms of systems programming, I do
write a lot of code.  However this user interface, while probably simple
to all of you has me baffled.  If someone could write up the procedure
they use to bring up the debugger, it would be very helpful, and I will
return my work to upstream.  

	Some of the projects I have done include program translation utilities,
simulation translation to program data for test systems and other
utilities as well as more than 100 test programs on main frame IC
testers running a variety of languages and operating systems.  

	And while the coding is intense in these programs, they are essentially
tightly bound, runtime sensitive and so a loose coupling is not

	I have forgotten much about loosely coupled programming, but not
everything.  I am also a very quick learner once I get my initial
hurdles cleared so I can experiment and develop techniques.

Les Howell

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