[free-electronic-lab] [X-Post] Talk on FEL at State Level Academician's Convention - Bangalore

Myself sherry151 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 06:40:57 UTC 2011


I will be talking on Fedora Electronic Lab at the State Level
Academician's Convention[1] at Reva Institute of Technology and
Management [2], Bangalore. The talk is scheduled at 9:30 am, 12th
March 2011. Expected attendance is around 50 Graduate students and 20
professors. Considering FEL is new to them, it will mainly consist of
a background of FEL and how it evolved, current state of the tools and
a short demo of the most common tools used in Universities. If you are
in or around Bangalore, please feel free to attend.

[1] http://www.fsmk.org/node/66
[2] http://www.revainstitution.org/

Rangeen Basu Roy Chowdhury
Fedora Ambassador
sherry151 at gmail.com

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