[free-electronic-lab] Compilers/Assemblers for ARM-Cortex uC

Thorontir thorontir at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 10:52:27 UTC 2011

Hi there,

 I am still trying to get familiar with the electronic-lab, but i find that
is not easy to know all the tools that come with the distro. Is there any
list that is sorted by the "use" of the different tools. I mean, if i am in
the need of ARM compilers, there is any listing where i can find "compilers"
and search for arm ones under that point?

By the way, i am looking to start developing in 32 bit uC (Until now always
used 8bit uC) and i am finding that is not easy to find a "complete
solution" (Compiler + debugger + programmer) for STM32 (Which are ARM-Cortex
M3, if i am not wrong) and PIC32 (which have MIPS core). I have find Atollic
toolchains, but I was wondering if there is any open source *working*
compiler + debugger (OpenOCD seems to be working as a debugger).

 I am sorry if I am not making clear what I look for; when talking about a
debugger, I really mean software + hardware. I mean, if talking about JTAG,
i am looking not only for software debugger, but also for the probe
schematics. STM32 have SWD, which is an option, and for the PIC32 I think I
can still use ICD2 instead of a JTAG debugger.

 As a last point, do you know if there is some good site to look for
tutorials when starting with this uC's? Or for the MSP430 from TI (I have
been purchasing so many develpment boards, and now i want to give a try to
many of them, in Linux if that's possible). I have found that, for the use
that i do of my PC, the change from Windows 7 to Linux is not as hard as it
may seem (OpenOffice/LibreOffice, Gimp, and many other great OpenSource
Tools are great tools that can do almost any work that i can think of) but
for the things related to the microcontroller developing area. Probably it
is my fault, since I have found in the Distro tools for PIC18 that I was
unaware of, but i find that this field is the hardest of the ones I have
faced when changing to Linux from W7.

 And one last question. When looking in the mail list archives, is there any
way to search in the entire archive, and not by month? In home I have
downloaded the monthly archives, but in work it is harder to do, since I use
many computers, and all of these are shared. No personal info is intended to
last in any of these.

 Well, thanks in advance!
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