[free-electronic-lab] Hi, about update FEL

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 12:39:46 UTC 2013

Hi Pablo:

--- On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 5:55 AM, Pablo Sebastián Fernández Kittler
<pablosfk at gmail.com> wrote:
| Hi, i found yestarday the FEL Distro and i love it, but i want it in liveDVD
| updated.

What do you want to update it with?

| My question is: How can i update all into de distro FEL, change the
| languaje to spanish and then repack it into a live DVD. However the lang is
| not important, but i want it updated anyway. If you can help me to do it
| will be grate. Thanks a lot.

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Shakthi Kannan

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