[free-electronic-lab] Announcing sigrok - a signal analysis software suite

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 17:37:01 UTC 2013


--- On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Alex G. <mr.nuke.me at gmail.com> wrote:
| Is there a chance we can also add sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw?

I asked the Fedora spins group, and they said that as long as it is a
valid Fedora package, it can be included in a spin. There also exists
a hardware-support group that contains all the firmware packages,
which gets installed in non-minimal Fedora installations.

Anyways, I have added sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw to electronic-lab for
comps-{f18, f19, f20}.xml.in files.



Shakthi Kannan

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