[free-electronic-lab] FEL Update: March 15, 2013

Alain Portal alain.portal at free.fr
Fri Mar 15 22:02:47 UTC 2013

Le vendredi 15 mars 2013 22:26:29 Shakthi Kannan a écrit :

> Updates
> =======
> * Most of the packages I maintain are now in Fedora Upstream Release
> Monitoring (URM).
>   https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upstream_release_monitoring
> For the others not in URM, I have written to the upstream owners to
> make an RSS feed available, so we can track their releases.

Instead of comfort the "Big brother" process, work on and update the packages 
you really own and let other mainteners manage their packages as they feel!

I use all software I package, I know when its are releasable!
Don't need a robot to remember me!


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