Playground DNF plugin

Miroslav Suchy msuchy at
Tue Apr 15 13:05:41 UTC 2014

I created first prototype of Playground repo (you know - release early...).

The playground repo is just set of Copr repositories. I.e. some Copr
projects can have attribute "playground" set to true (currently no
interface, only directly in DB). I choosed randomly several projects and
set the flag to true.

There is an API call to get list of those projects:
(currently undocumented, because I plan to make some changes).

I wrote DNF plugin (based on Copr DNF plugin). You can test it by:
> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnf-plugins/

and you can do:
 dnf playground enable
which will enable all Copr project, which are marked as part of
Playground and store them in
 dnf playground upgrade
which will fetch new repos (by removing all old repos and fetch all
playground repos).
 dnf playground disable
which will delete all /etc/yum.repos.d/_playground_*.repo

As I said, this is first prototype (although functional) and it have
some glitches. But you can get the idea.

Is this the path we want to follow? Questions? Comments?

Mirek Suchy

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