EPEL Meeting: Call for Topics

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Sat Feb 9 12:32:14 UTC 2008

On 04.02.2008 20:22, Michael Stahnke wrote:
> what about the CVS branchers asking for EL branches if not requeste?

Asking them can't hurt, so +1

> Perhaps in a co-maintainer mode?

Just my 2 cent: Well, who's will do the EPEL maintainers job then? I'd
say if there are EPEL contributers that have spare cycles for
maintaining or comaintaining Fedora packagen then there are better
targets than most of the packages that enter Fedora newly these days.

For example there are still a lot of perl packages that are not yet in
EPEL. There are also still a lot of packages on the EPEL wishlist that
could need a maintainer. And there are likely still a lot of important
packages in Fedora that are not yet in EPEL/RHEL or on the withlist.


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