hexedit in epel status

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Mon Feb 11 13:55:57 UTC 2008

On 11.02.2008 14:22, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> I would like to have hexedit in EPEL, and I am ready to maintain it or
> co-maintain it in EPEL. In the wishlist page, it is marked that the
> owners were mailed. What is the current status?

Well, that the current status then is: the Owners were mailed on 071210
and nothing happened ;-)

Sending another mail or -- maybe better -- opening a bug in bugzilla
might be a good idea. You can even reuse the Bug for the CVS branch
request later. Then everything is tracked properly and the Fedora owner
really had its chance to take care of the package in EPEL.

See also: "EPEL branching if Fedora maintainer does not react" on



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