xerces-c soname bump

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Tue Feb 12 11:45:50 UTC 2008

On 12.02.2008 12:29, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:58:23 +0100, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>>> Especially, since a repoclosure check would only noticed changed
>>> SONAMEs and not other changes in a library interface (such as removed
>>> symbols, signatures).
>> Agreed. But note that I didn't actually mean repoclosure here -- more a
>> diff between the output of "rpm -qp foo.rpm --provides" between the old
>> and the new package and a heads up to everyone (or something else; maybe
>> even put the rpm aside temporary) if a SONAME changed.
> rpmdevtools' rpmsodiff and rpmsoname can help with that. 

/me somehow missed those tools

Nice, thx for the pointer.

$ rpm -q rpmdevtools --changelog | grep -A 1 rpmsodiff
- Include rpmsodiff and dependencies (rpmargs, rpmelfsym, rpmfile,
rpmpeek, rpmsoname) from ALT Linux's qa-robot package.

/me wonders what that qa-robot is and if it would be useful for us

> [...]
> I understand you want a buildsys to perform sanity checks. That requires a
> lot of work, however.

Not sure if it should be actually the buildsys that should do the work.
I always imagined there should be a dedicated system that just grabs
freshly build rpms and does those checks.

But yeah, likely still a lot of work.


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