New Zenoss RPMs

Christopher Blunck chris at
Thu Feb 28 21:15:40 UTC 2008

Hi all,

A month or so ago I posted to this list and asked a few questions  
about EPEL, RHX, and Fedora proper.  I was trying to understand the  
repository structure and how things fit together.  If you are  
interested in reading the discussion you can find it below:

The basic problem we discussed is that Zenoss requires Python 2.4, and  
since FC8 (and above) use Python 2.5 we elected to ship our own Python  
installation alongside our application.  The recommended practice you  
all suggested was to rely on the compat-python24 package to provide / 
usr/bin/python2.4 and use that instead.

I wanted to bring you all up to date with our efforts.  We've moved  
ahead with your suggestion and have assembled a binary FC8 RPM (i386  
and x86_64) that depends on compat-python24.  I can provide our .spec  
and .tar.gz file, or I can provide a .src.rpm.

What is the next logical step in the progression towards our inclusion  
in the EPEL repository?  We're very excited about becoming official  
members of your community and would like to know what we need to do to  
be included in your group.


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