clamav-milter notify problem

Simone Marchioni simone.m at
Wed Jan 9 17:59:25 UTC 2008

> Not sure off hand... file a bug? 

> You do have the milter running I assume?
> Also, have you edited the /etc/clamd.d/milter.conf and commented the
> stupid "Example" line? 

Hi Kevin,

thanks for the answer.
Yes, I have the milter running and it works well: as I stated in the previous mail it does the job well.
I have the milter for both Spamassassin and Clamav.
And yes I commented the Example line.

Maybe the last possibility is just to file a bug... :-(((
But it's strange the packager didn't realize this problem.

> kevin

I'll file a bug.
Thank you!

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