Zenoss Core

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Sat Jan 19 12:26:58 UTC 2008

On 18.01.2008 19:19, Christopher Blunck wrote:
> I work on the Zenoss project and we're interested in figuring out how to
> get our "Zenoss Core" product into the Fedora 8 repositories so that
> end-users can install us via a simple "yum install zenoss". 

As mentioned in the livna bug the already it seems to me the best way
forward is this:

- you submit zenoss to Fedora, but it's only going to be imported to
EPEL, as there is no proper python in F7 and F8 (which is a shame, but
that's a different topic), but one in RHEL4 and RHEL5, which should be
fine to use for zenoss; EPEL users then can run "yum install zenoss" on
their RHEL/CentOS boxes with EPEL configured

- RHX can then start to pull from EPEL if they want (which afaics is the

- once it got reviewed and approved for EPEL it's automatically approved
for livna as well; thus livna can import a slightly modified spec file
that depends on compat-python24 which is in livna already; thus fedora
users with livna configured can run "yum install zenoss"

- sooner or later zenoss and its deps will be compatible to python 2.5;
then it's can be just build for Fedora, as it's a approved package for
already; then it can be removed from Livna and all Fedora users can run
"yum install zenoss"  to get it

Does that sound like a plan? Sure, we could review and import zenoss for
livna now as well and ignore EPEL, but that would mean you'd need
another review to get zenoss into Fedora once zenoss and its deps are
compatible to python 2.5.



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