Bugzilla problem

Tony Molloy tony.molloy at ul.ie
Wed Jan 23 14:38:13 UTC 2008


I've installed the latest bugzilla from epel-5 on CentOS-5. It appears to be 
working OK from what testing I've done.

However I have 2 problems.

1.   When I run testserver.pl I get the following

[root at richmond bugzilla]# ./testserver.pl http://bugzilla.csis.ul.ie/bugzilla
TEST-OK Webserver is running under group id in $webservergroup.
TEST-OK Got front picture.
TEST-OK Webserver is executing CGIs via mod_cgi.
TEST-OK Webserver is preventing fetch of                               <<<<< 
TEST-OK GD version 2.35, libgd version 2.0.33; Major versions match.
TEST-OK GD library generated a good PNG image.
TEST-OK Chart library generated a good PNG image.
TEST-OK Template::Plugin::GD is installed.

Why is the webserver preventing fetch of localconfig.

2.  On the top of the login page I see the following.

The local XML file '/var/lib/bugzilla/data/bugzilla-update.xml' cannot be 
created. Please make sure the web server can write in this directory and that 
you can access the web. If you are behind a proxy, set the proxy_url 
parameter correctly

The webserver runs as user apache and the protections on data are

drwxrwx---  root apache root:object_r:httpd_bugzilla_script_rw_t data

Is this just an apache mis-configuration



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