Bugzilla [EPEL package] problem

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Mon Jan 28 15:48:18 UTC 2008

R P Herrold wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Tony Molloy wrote:
>>> bug number, and which bugzilla Version, please; I am pretty
>>> familiar with the code and packaging it, as I have done so
>>> seperately from the EPEL effort for some time.
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=429879
> looks like some of the perl CGI scripts are not yet labelled properly to 
> co-exist with enforcing in this packaging -- at least index.cgi and 
> userprefs.cgi
> The candidates to label are found with:
>     rpm -ql bugzilla | grep cgi
> and we can see they are in:
>     /usr/share/bugzilla/

All should be labelled correctly:

# semanage fcontext -l | grep bugzilla
/var/lib/bugzilla(/.*)?                            all files 
/usr/share/bugzilla(/.*)?                          directory 
/usr/share/bugzilla(/.*)?                          regular file 

> The obvious short term workaround pending the update is to drop to 
> permissive, which may or may not work in your environment.

Or add local policy to allow httpd_bugzilla_script_t to handle POSTed 
data (which ends up as being httpd_tmp_t) properly, as mentioned on 



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