qt4 build issue

Michael Schwendt bugs.michael at gmx.net
Wed Jan 30 18:16:58 UTC 2008

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 08:43:05 -0600 (CST), Jon Ciesla wrote:

> Trying to update vym for EL-5, and it won't build. Any suggestions?  Marek
> and I are stumped:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=429508
> I feel like we're missing something obvious.

> ui_branchpropwindow.h: In member function 'void Ui_BranchPropertyWindow::setupUi(QWidget*)':
> ui_branchpropwindow.h:80: error: 'class QVBoxLayout' has no member named 'setLeftMargin'
> ui_branchpropwindow.h:81: error: 'class QVBoxLayout' has no member named 'setTopMargin'
> ui_branchpropwindow.h:82: error: 'class QVBoxLayout' has no member named 'setRightMargin'

Actually, setLeftMargin is not a member of QVBoxLayout. It's not listed as
inherited either. It's in Qt 3 QTable (or Qt 4's Q3Table) or
QTextBlockFormat). The code wants Qt4 with Qt3 compatibility
(-DQT3_SUPPORT). Have you built it locally yet where you can examine the
source files generated by Qt's user interface compiler to find out in
what context exactly it calls these members?

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