puppet 0.24.2

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at kanarip.com
Wed Mar 19 21:05:36 UTC 2008

This mail (thread) about puppet-0.24.2 from the 
fedora-infrastructure-list I was pointed to when yesterday I found out a 
couple of managed machines did not behave as expected.

Mike McGrath wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Mar 2008, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Beware!  Don't do it!
>>>  puppet 0.24.2 has been released and is in epel testing, which means if you
>>>  yum update a machine... it'll get picked up.  And it doesn't work with our
>>>  setup.  The 0.24.2 puppet nodes are not compatable with 0.24.1 puppet
>>>  masters.
>>>  I (or someone) will need to test some things before doing this upgrade.
>> Ouch. That's uhm not a minor update :). Well it could be worse (...
>> plunges through cfengine minor update changes..)
> In fairness to the puppet guys I talked to them about it and they said it
> should be considered a bug, just one that slipped into the release.

It'd be the second time puppet gets upgrades in EPEL with unstable 
API/behaviour, this time it even manages to destroy a couple of boxes. 
One of many, many files managed by puppet on an EL4 box with 
puppet-master running on a EL5 box:

[root at app20 ~]# cat /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
420     file    0       0 
{md5}c6519debb77ad5428c6d3d678da81f99[root at app20 ~]#

Same thing happened at home where Fedora 8 runs a puppet-master for a 
couple of Fedora 7 and EL5 boxes.

The most amazing thing is... EL4 boxes get the update (becoming 
incompatible with the EL5 box managing them) before even my Fedora 8 box 
(managing a couple of EL5 boxes) knows about it in updates-testing.

I'm sure you all appreciate people are running *enterprise linux* for a 
reason, and do not want to bother with package foo like this like if it 
were Fedora.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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