Gearing up to start maintaining EPEL packages.. any pointers?

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at
Fri Mar 21 20:42:30 UTC 2008

On 03/21/2008 10:32 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Manuel Wolfshant 
> <wolfy at <mailto:wolfy at>> wrote:
>     /me hoping to see istanbul arriving in EPEL and reiterating the
>     offer to
>     do the monkey work for that
> Right... istanbul.  I wasn't going to start with that.  I have to take 
> a close look at what gstreamer is available for each epel branch.  I 
> do remember that gstreamer 0.10  good plugins was missing the 
> necessary video capture module in at least one Fedora release, which 
> has consequences on which istanbul codebase version that has to be used.
> Not to diss istanbul or anything, but the gstreamer framework 
> complicates things. Have you look at the other option in this area... 
> gtk-recordmydesktop and recordmydesktop... which does not rely on gst 
> at all and is using libraries directly.  I haven't made a comparison 
> myself, but I'm concerned that the gst framework might make istanbul 
> problematic to maintain for EPEL.
I was in a hurry and recompiling istanbul + python-xlib for centos 
5/i386 took < 30 min so i did not look at recordmydesktop (despite the 
fact that I've done "cvs co recordmydesktop" immediately after "cvs co 
istanbul" but before "make srpm istanbul"). These are the versions I 
packaged and used :
-rw-r--r-- 1 wolfy mock    236319 2008-03-19 11:21 
-rw-r--r-- 1 wolfy mock    111734 2008-03-19 11:35 

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