testing -> stable move for EPEL5 prepared, details inside

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Sat Mar 29 11:55:57 UTC 2008

Hi all!

I prepared the next stable -> testing move for EPEL5 and will actually
do the move at round about 20080401 5:00 UTC (e.g. Tuesday morning CEST).

If one of your packages is in the attached "tobemoved-(s,)rpms" list and
you don't want it moved please tell me soon or it'll be to late ;-)

Here is the list:

perl-Module-Signature perl-Sub-Name dtc apg func python-ply mock perl-Crypt-DES perl-Test-Perl-Critic environment-modules ustr python-lxml gnucash uw-imap ocaml-libvirt nagios php-pecl-xdebug lsvpd R-multcomp cernlib-g77 python-paste-deploy perl-Module-Info alpine snake cobbler codeblocks nettle perl-Net-SNMP rpmlint perl-Class-Inspector certmaster net6 cernlib perl-XML-SAX-Writer xerces-c openvpn-auth-ldap perl-Test-Prereq remctl python-paramiko xautolock ack gtk-qt-engine perl-Test-Distribution perl-Test-File maradns wine ntl perl-XML-Generator-DBI zabbix rkhunter sunbird python-fpconst ircd-hybrid perl-mogilefs-server ocaml-camomile puppet php-pecl-mailparse wine-docs flam3 monotone rrdtool smolt libvpd python-turboflot mksh perl-Math-Symbolic shorewall python-ruledispatch rt3


P.S.: EPEL-signers, if possible please don't push any new packages to
the epel5 testing repos until the package move happens, as that might
introduce new broken deps anbd thus trouble; tia!

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