RF Open Discussion: Who are we?

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Sun May 4 16:43:25 UTC 2008

2008/5/3 Karsten 'quaid' Wade <kwade at redhat.com>:
>  Over the next two weeks what I'd like to do is get some clarity on the
>  perspective we are trying to bring.  The talking points, yes, but also
>  the comparisons/contrasts with working with other open communities.
>  Enterprise IT and development teams often have members who use open
>  source or participate lightly in projects.  We want to show them not
>  only why it's useful to get over hurdle and in to Fedora, but why
>  working in our community (and upstream) is a more powerful force
>  multiplier than just working in an upstream.
>  Stuff like that.

Reading through Quaid's email about Red Hat Summit talks... I think in
order to help all of our efforts a bit, we should try to come up with
a better idea of the basic questions

1) Who are we? [What is our identity?]
2) What do we want? [What are the goals each of us wants to accomplish?]
3) Why are we here? [What brings each of us to EPEL when we get a chance]
4) Where are we going? [Where do we want to take EPEL in the next
year? How do we measure it]
5) Who do we serve? [As in who are our primary customers]
6) Why did I watch a whole season of Babylon 5 over the weekend?

Ok the basic questions are definitions of what we stand for and who we
are trying to serve as customers. It is also to try and see how Fedora
can be more helpful to the Enterprise customer by showing them where
things are going and how Open Source can meet the various needs of the

Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"

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