testing -> stable move for EPEL4 prepared, details inside

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Thu May 15 19:39:08 UTC 2008

Hi all!

I prepared the next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and will actually
do the move at round about 20080519 5:00 UTC (e.g. Monday morning CEST).

If one of your packages is in the attached "tobemoved-(s,)rpms" list and
you don't want it moved please tell me soon or it'll be to late ;-)

Here is the list of package that will be moved:

atop bind-libbind bitlbee brettfont-fonts chkrootkit cowsay duplicity
eggdrop epel-release erlang freehdl gsl libupnp mod_fcgid mod_security
munin net6 obby ocaml-findlib ocaml-gsl ocaml-omake perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI
perl-HTML-Template perl-HTML-Tree perl-String-CRC32
perl-Test-Pod-Coverage perl-XML-TreeBuilder perl-XML-Writer phpMyAdmin
pptp publican publican-fedora pyke python-paste python-paste-deploy
python-paste-script python-sqlalchemy qucs roadstencil-fonts roundup
ruby-ldap scons scponly shorewall sipp suitesparse synergy tinyproxy
unison213 unison227 zabbixa

FYI, here is the list of packages I had to exclude due to broken deps:

TurboGears  bugzilla* git* kyum perl-libwhisker2 postgresql-dbi-link
python-Coherence python-psycopg2-zope python-sqlobject roundcubemail
specto perl-Git nikto postgresql-pgpoolAdmin python-psycopg2*

Some of those were excluded for at least the second time now: TurboGears
bugzilla* git* kyum perl-libwhisker2 postgresql-dbi-link
python-Coherence python-sqlobject roundcubemail specto perl-Git nikto


P.S.: EPEL-signers, if possible please don't push any new packages to
the epel4 testing repos until the package move happens, as that might
introduce new broken deps and thus trouble/a lot of work; tia!
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