incompatible packaging between EPEL and DAG/rpmforge

Ray Van Dolson rayvd at
Tue May 27 15:13:23 UTC 2008

> Any ideas on how to proceed?

I think the official answer would be to not use these two repo's
together.  EPEL really shouldn't be used with any other 3rd party

Obviously this isn't really that realistic.  I get around the issue by
using the yum priorities plugin.  I generally set EPEL as the second
highest priority (after the base repo's) and rpmforge later.

Alternately you can also just specify includepkgs for the packages you
need from the repo so nothing else gets stepped on.

I think you will likely find the political challenges more difficult to
overcome than the technical ones if you're looking to get things sync'd
up and nice between the two repo's. :)


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