next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and EPEL5 prepared, details inside

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Sun Jan 11 18:07:59 UTC 2009

Hi all!

I prepared the next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and EPEL5. When the 
actual move happens is not decided yet, but it's likely 3 to 6 days from 
now; dgilmore (hopefully, as I didn#t talk to him yet) will announce the 
exact date and time over the next few days.

If one of your packages is in the attached "tobemoved-(s,)rpms-{4,5}"
list and you don't want it moved please tell me soon or it'll be to late

= Packages that'll be moved ==

Here is the list of packages that will be moved:

== EPEL4 ==

augeas bandwidthd certmaster cherokee cobbler duplicity erlang flashrom 
func GeoIP git glpi haproxy iwidgets koan libmp4v2 lighttpd mksh monit 
moon-buggy mysqlreport net6 nocpulse-common nrpe nut obby openvpn p7zip 
perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword perl-Filesys-Df perl-Math-FFT perl-Satcon 
perl-Schedule-Cron-Events perl-Set-Crontab perl-Socket6 
perl-String-CRC32 perl-Test-Pod-Coverage perl-XML-Filter-BufferText 
phpMyAdmin postgis proftpd puppet pydot pyparsing python-feedparser 
R2spec R-car ruby-augeas shed shorewall sip-redirect smstools snake 
ssmtp uw-imap varnish

== EPEL5 ==

amtterm augeas bandwidthd beanstalkd bip blender certmaster cherokee 
cobbler ctapi-cyberjack dhcping Django docbook2X dtc duplicity eboard 
electric elfinfo entertrack ethstatus fbterm flashrom flite flumotion 
func gambit-c geda-docs geda-examples geda-gattrib geda-gnetlist 
geda-gschem geda-gsymcheck geda-symbols geda-utils GeoIP git glpi 
gpicview greadelf gyachi halevt haproxy help2man hping3 irclog2html 
irsim javasqlite jmol kBuild koan kst libgeda libgee librsync libstroke 
libtopology lighttpd linsmith lzip maatkit magic mailgraph 
mingw32-binutils mingw32-bzip2 mingw32-filesystem mingw32-iconv 
mingw32-termcap mingw32-w32api mingw32-zlib mirrormanager mksh 
mod_limitipconn mod_scgi monit monotone moon-buggy moreutils mysqlreport 
NaturalDocs ncftp net6 netgen nginx nightview nocpulse-common nrpe nut 
openser openvpn p7zip perl-Algorithm-Annotate perl-Class-Inspector 
perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword perl-DBD-CSV perl-Filesys-Df 
perl-Hardware-Verilog-Parser perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Parser perl-Heap 
perl-IPC-Shareable perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate perl-Log-Log4perl 
perl-Math-FFT perl-ModelSim-List perl-Perlilog perl-Satcon 
perl-Schedule-Cron-Events perl-Set-Crontab perl-Test-Perl-Critic 
perl-Verilog perl-XML-Filter-BufferText phpMyAdmin 
php-pear-Date-Holidays-USA php-pear-Net-DIME php-pear-Net-SMTP 
php-pear-SOAP pnglite poedit proftpd ps2eps puppet pydot pyparsing 
python-Coherence python-configobj python-dns python-feedparser 
python-flickrapi python-iniparse python-libgmail python-libgmail-docs 
python-lxml python-nevow python-openoffice python-psycopg2 
python-relatorio python-ruledispatch python-turboflot python-tw-forms 
python-twisted-web python-twisted-words qemu qlandkarte R R2spec R-car 
refmac-dictionary repoview rpmdevtools ruby-augeas rubygem-rack rubygems 
scons shed shorewall smolt smstools snake ssmtp supybot-fedora 
supybot-koji tailor tmda tomcat-native trac-privateticketsplugin 
trac-xmlrpc-plugin tripwire tryton trytond tunctl typespeed uw-imap vala 
varnish vbindiff vhd2vl virtaal wol xloadimage xorg-x11-drv-openchrome 
xqilla xteddy


P.S.: EPEL-signers, if possible please don't push any new packages to
the testing repos until the package move happens, as that might
introduce new broken deps and thus trouble/a lot of work; tia!
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