next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and EPEL5 prepared, details inside

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Sun Mar 29 17:00:07 UTC 2009

Hi all!

I prepared the next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and EPEL5. I plan
to actually do the move on 20090402 at around 05:00 UTC.

If one of your packages is in the attached "tobemoved-(s,)rpms-{4,5}"
list and you don't want it moved please tell me soon or it'll be to late

= Packages that'll be moved ==

Here is the list of packages that will be moved:

== EPEL4 ==

augeas cacti calendar cobbler dc3dd django-authopenid drupal erlang 
eventlog facter fcode-utils flashrom GeoIP globus-core globus-libtool 
glpi-mass-ocs-import grid-packaging-tools gromacs gsm html2text htmldoc 
koan libmp4v2 libyaml mercurial MochiKit mod_geoip mod_security moodle 
munin net6 netstat-nat ninvaders noip obby pdns perl-Apache-Htpasswd 
perl-Crypt-DH perl-Data-Buffer perl-Date-ICal perl-Date-Leapyear 
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble perl-Digest-MD2 perl-Encode-Detect 
perl-Filesys-Df perl-Math-FFT perl-Math-GMP perl-NOCpulse-CLAC 
perl-NOCpulse-Debug perl-NOCpulse-Gritch perl-NOCpulse-Object 
perl-NOCpulse-SetID perl-NOCpulse-Utils perl-Sort-Versions 
perl-String-CRC32 perl-Test-Pod-Coverage perl-Tie-EncryptedHash 
perl-XML-Filter-BufferText perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader 
postgresql-pgpool-II puppet python-dns python-libgmail 
python-libgmail-docs python-louie python-shove python-text_table 
python-uuid python-xmpp PyYAML R R2spec remind rhnlib rhnpush rkhunter 
rpmlint R-qtl rtpproxy smp_utils sysbench syslog-ng touchcal trickle 
txt2man varnish vtun

== EPEL5 ==

afpfs-ng atlas augeas auto-buildrequires backup-manager beanstalkd bip 
blahtexml cacti calendar cdk celt cgit clips cobbler collectd collectl 
couchdb dc3dd dia diffuse digikam dissy Django django-authopenid 
django-contact-form django-evolution django-notification 
django-pagination django-tagging dnssec-conf docbook2X drupal dtc 
ejabberd ETL eventlog facter fbterm fcode-utils fedora-packager fetchlog 
flashrom fvwm gajim garmindev gc GeoIP globus-core globus-libtool 
glpi-data-injection glpi-mass-ocs-import gnupg2 grid-packaging-tools 
gromacs gsm hatools heartbeat hercules hosts3d html2text htmldoc iok 
jabberd koan koules latex2rtf ldns libassuan libgdither libgee libkdcraw 
libksba libyaml libzdb maradns mcabber mediawiki mediawiki-wikicalendar 
mercurial mingw32-atk mingw32-crossreport mingw32-expat 
mingw32-fontconfig mingw32-gnutls mingw32-gtk2 mingw32-gtk-vnc 
mingw32-jasper mingw32-libgcrypt mingw32-liboil mingw32-libpng 
mingw32-nsis mingw32-nsiswrapper mingw32-openssl mingw32-pango 
mingw32-w32api mingw32-zlib mirrormanager MochiKit mod_auth_pam 
mod_geoip mod_security mon monotone moodle mpich2 munin nagios net6 
netstat-nat nginx ninvaders noip perl-Algorithm-Annotate 
perl-Apache-Htpasswd perl-Class-Can perl-Class-Exporter 
perl-Class-Inspector perl-Crypt-DH perl-Data-Buffer perl-Date-ICal 
perl-Date-Leapyear perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder perl-Digest-BubbleBabble 
perl-Digest-MD2 perl-Encode-Detect perl-Heap perl-HTML-DOMbo 
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball perl-Lingua-StopWords perl-Math-FFT 
perl-Math-GMP perl-Mon perl-Net-Stomp perl-NOCpulse-CLAC 
perl-NOCpulse-Debug perl-NOCpulse-Gritch perl-NOCpulse-Object 
perl-NOCpulse-SetID perl-NOCpulse-Utils perl-Test-Perl-Critic 
perl-Test-Warn perl-Tie-EncryptedHash perl-Tree-DAG_Node perl-Verilog 
perl-Verilog-Readmem perl-XML-Filter-BufferText perl-XML-Generator 
perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader php-pecl-imagick php-pecl-json 
postgresql-pgpoolAdmin postgresql-pgpool-II Pound puppet pyfacebook 
pyfits pygrace PyQuante python-bugzilla python-configobj python-dns 
python-fedora python-hashlib python-kerberos python-libgmail 
python-libgmail-docs python-louie python-mwlib python-openoffice 
python-paramiko python-polib python-psycopg2 python-pygooglechart 
python-ruledispatch python-shove python-sqlobject python-text_table 
python-turboflot python-turbojson python-uuid python-xmpp PyYAML qd R 
R2spec R-car remind revisor rhnlib rhnpush rkhunter roundcubemail R-qtl 
rtpproxy rubygem-actionpack rubygem-simple-rss s3cmd smolt smp_utils 
sysbench syslog-ng tokyocabinet touchcal trickle tryton trytond 
TurboGears txt2man unbound varnish wordpress-mu xine-lib 


P.S.: EPEL-signers, if possible please don't push any new packages to
the testing repos until the package move happens, as that might
introduce new broken deps and thus trouble/a lot of work; tia!
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