package maintainer without a package

BJ Dierkes wdierkes at
Fri Sep 18 20:55:42 UTC 2009

I have been following EPEL for a while, but am yet to become a  
maintainer of anything.  I would suggest submitting patches for the  
package via bugzilla which makes it easier for the current maintainers  
to implement the changes you want/need specifically.  Any feedback you  
provide be it for changes, or verification of testing you've done  
makes you more than 'just a helper' and is appreciated by everyone.

I would suggest setting up an account via the FAS (Fedora Account  
System).  This allows you to gain access to certain things like Fedora  
Hosted Trac pages, etc allowing you to contribute to any of the  
applications written/maintained by Fedora.


On Sep 18, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Christopher wrote:

> Hello...
>  I've been using a few minor packages from EPEL (like clamav) for a
> while.  Now I am about to start using a package that we rely heavily  
> on
> (Sun gridengine) so I would like to help maintain the EPEL gridengine
> package to keep it current.  I've read through most of the Fedora
> maintainer documentation.  One of the steps was to add a package to
> bugzilla for review.  What if you do not have a package?  Can I be  
> "just
> a helper" without being an owner of any packages?   Specifically I  
> would
> like to help get the current gridengine 6.2u2_1 into the koji EPEL
> system (assuming that this is OK with the current owner) and fix the
> couple build problems I ran into locally.
> I couldn't find an answer in the fedora project wiki.  Should I just
> start the process of getting an account for koji and see what happens?
> Any other pointers?
> -- 
> Christopher McCrory
> "The guy that keeps the servers running"
> chrismcc at
> Let's face it, there's no Hollow Earth, no robots, and
> no 'mute rays.' And even if there were, waxed paper is
> no defense.  I tried it.  Only tinfoil works.
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