EPEL built against RHEL or CentOS?

Dennis Gilmore dennis at ausil.us
Tue Apr 6 17:35:01 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 06 April 2010 12:23:41 pm Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Stephen John Smoogen <smooge at gmail.com> said:
> > So if anyone is at fault here, it is me.. so please direct all fewmets my
> > way.
> Don't take it as a flame, just take it as an honest question about
> EPEL's target.  Either RHEL or CentOS has to be the #1 target (they
> can't both be); I was trying to find out if there is a definitive
> statement one way or the other (or if it was assumed, or what).
> This would have been a moot point if RHEL hadn't broken the ABI
> mid-release though. :-(

They are both the target :)  there is no reason to target only one.

the buildroots get updated when the next RHEL is released. we clean up things 
moved from epel to rhel when CentOS releases.  due to this particular change 
things will be broken for a short time,  but thats out of our control.  
ideally the new packages needing rhel 5.5 will sit in testing until such time 
as centos 5.5 is out.  it will mean that an epel and rhel user will have to 
use updates-testing for those packages,  but i think that's ok.

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