Jesse Keating jkeating at j2solutions.net
Thu Apr 22 18:51:43 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 13:17 -0500, Jon Ciesla wrote:
> I ran it for a long time before switching to Bacula.  It's still great 
> software.  I like the option of multiple full-featured backup suites. 

I think the RHT support staff might not like having to fully support
multiple full-featured backup suites.  I'm only guessing as somebody who
is only vaguely connected to the side of the RHT house that manages

Jesse Keating RHCE      (http://jkeating.livejournal.com)
Fedora Project          (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JesseKeating)
GPG Public Key          (geek.j2solutions.net/jkeating.j2solutions.pub)
identi.ca               (http://identi.ca/jkeating)
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