epel-6 buildgroups

Farkas Levente lfarkas at lfarkas.org
Tue Apr 27 08:00:14 UTC 2010

On 04/26/2010 06:07 PM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> On Monday 26 April 2010 03:29:03 am Farkas Levente wrote:
>> On 04/26/2010 01:36 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
>>> On Sunday 25 April 2010 04:32:35 pm Farkas Levente wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 17:47, Dennis Gilmore<dennis at ausil.us>   wrote:
>>>>> On Saturday 24 April 2010 04:38:14 am Farkas Levente wrote:
>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>> where are the epel-6 buildgroups directory and the buildsys-build and
>>>>>> buildsys-macros for epel-6? since they are not in the usual place:
>>>>>> http://buildsys.fedoraproject.org/buildgroups/
>>>>>> thanks in advance.
>>>>> They will not ever exist,  since all the functionality provided by them
>>>>> has been moved into RHEL itself. the same as they have not existed for
>>>>> many fedora releases.
>>>> and what is the name of buildsys-build or what is the epel-6-i386.cfg?
>>> I have not yet checked to make sure that RHEL's comps file has the needed
>>> group,  note that there is no epel-6 yet.  due to some packaging bugs we
>>> have not been able to build repos to build against.  it will likely be a
>>> couple of weeks before things are ready to go.
>> the reason for buildsys-build was not just the macros in buildsys-macros
>> (which probably included in rhel-6), but also to require basic packages
>> which is still needed. so imho another buildsys-build packages for
>> epel-6 also needed in order to be able to write in epel-6-*.cfg:
>> config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install buildsys-build'
>> or something like that (or a long install line:-().
> the command should be
> config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'groupinstall buildsys-build'
> I dont know that the group is in RHEL's comps.  if its not ill push that it
> does get added.  if Red Hat refuses to then it will be added to epel's comps
> file.  either way when epel is ready there will be a group to install and not
> the old hacks.  redhat-release does set the correct macros to meet fedora's
> packaging guidelines.

can you tell me what's planed to be in buildsys-build group? do you have 
a rfe bugnumber or something?

   Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"

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