EL-6 perl(MIME::Lite)

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Mon Aug 2 14:22:44 UTC 2010

OK this one has me confused.

I'm doing a scratch build of perl-Sysadm-Install:

It fails to build and directs me to the root.log to see why:

Looking at the log, I see:
DEBUG backend.py:605:  /usr/bin/yum --installroot 
/var/lib/mock/dist-6E-epel-build-852947-124778/root/  install 
'perl(Archive::Tar)' 'perl(File::Basename)' 'perl(Expect)' 
'perl(Term::ReadKey)' 'perl(Cwd)' 'perl(Config)' 'perl(LWP::UserAgent)' 
'perl(Test::More)' 'perl(HTTP::Request)' 'perl(HTTP::Status)' 
'perl(File::Temp) >= 0.16' 'perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)' 'perl(Encode)' 
'perl(File::Copy)' 'perl(Log::Log4perl) >= 1.00' 'perl(File::Path)'
DEBUG util.py:291:  Executing command: /usr/bin/yum --installroot 
/var/lib/mock/dist-6E-epel-build-852947-124778/root/  install 
'perl(Archive::Tar)' 'perl(File::Basename)' 'perl(Expect)' 
'perl(Term::ReadKey)' 'perl(Cwd)' 'perl(Config)' 'perl(LWP::UserAgent)' 
'perl(Test::More)' 'perl(HTTP::Request)' 'perl(HTTP::Status)' 
'perl(File::Temp) >= 0.16' 'perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)' 'perl(Encode)' 
'perl(File::Copy)' 'perl(Log::Log4perl) >= 1.00' 'perl(File::Path)'
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  Package 4:perl-5.10.1-113.el6.ppc64 already 
installed and latest version
DEBUG util.py:256:  perl-Log-Dispatch-2.22-4.el6.1.noarch from build has 
depsolving problems
DEBUG util.py:256:    --> Missing Dependency: perl(MIME::Lite) is needed 
by package perl-Log-Dispatch-2.22-4.el6.1.noarch (build)
DEBUG util.py:256:  Error: Missing Dependency: perl(MIME::Lite) is 
needed by package perl-Log-Dispatch-2.22-4.el6.1.noarch (build)
DEBUG util.py:256:   You could try using --skip-broken to work around 
the problem
DEBUG util.py:256:   You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
DEBUG util.py:256:                          package-cleanup --dupes
DEBUG util.py:256:                          rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
DEBUG util.py:256:  The program package-cleanup is found in the 
yum-utils package.
DEBUG util.py:330:  Child returncode was: 1

So I'm thinking that perl-MIME-Lite is another of the packages that's in 
EL-6 beta 2 but not for ppc64, but that's not the case. Looking at 
I can see perl-MIME-Lite-3.027-2.el6.noarch.rpm and when I download that 
I can see that it provides perl(MIME::Lite) = 3.027. So why can't the 
builder find it?


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